Embraer Lineage 1000

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Private jet max. range Speed of private jet Passange seat of the private jet Private jet cabin height
Cabin width of private jet
9h 00m 870km/h 19 PAX 1.97 m 2.68 m

Your home away from home

The Lineage 1000 is largely based on the successful Embraer passenger jet, the Embraer 190. The Lineage 1000 received its certification from Brazil's ANAC and from EASA in December 2008. It was certified by the USA Federal Aviation Administration on 7 January 2009. The first Lineage 1000 was delivered on May 7, 2009. The greatest change in the Lineage 1000 is the added fuel tanks in the lower deck cargo hold space, nearly doubling the jet's range, which also boasts a lavish interior, divided into up to 5 sections including an optional bedroom, washroom with running water, and a walk-in cargo area at the rear. Another selling point is the larger fuselage cross-section than other comparable business jets, such as the Gulfstream V and the Bombardier Global Express. The Lineage 1000 is only topped in available space by the 737 and A319 conversions, the BBJ and ACJ.

Detailed Specifications

A/C Type
VIP airliners
Cabin height
Cabin width
Cabin length
Max flight time
9h 00m
Max. range
Flight Attendant